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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

how to photoshoot with mobile ?

I'd  probably go like like six hundred  percent on the zoom and then just do  like very pixel by pixel making it  really really sharp but anyways now that  we've done that we can zoom back out to  look at the full image and go fifty  percent and as you guys can see there  we've selected that now before we  duplicate it let's do the same thing or  this background and double click on this  lock icon so once we do that a we can  basically lay in the layer two whatever  we want so let's name it McLaren and  then once we've named it MacLaren's  press Enter or click OK and then as you  guys can see there we've got the image  unlocked and the next thing to do is to  make sure that you selected on that on  that layer and then we're gonna go  control-c or command-c  matters if you're on Mac or PC it  doesn't really matter but yeah so just  ctrl C and then control V so once we've  done that as you guys can see now we  have two layers and if we hide this  layer we can hide layers by clicking on  this little eye icon which indicates  layer visibility as it says there so we  click on that as you guys can see we  have just an outline of the McLaren  itself and then the background is just  transparent as I guess totally as I told  you guys before um this checker sort of  thing is indicates that the background  is transparent so let's just bring the  background back and now as you guys can  see we have this McLaren here so we can  click in using the move tool that I  showed you guys earlier we can click and  drag and move it to where wherever we  want on this project let's say we want  this McLaren facing this McLaren so sort  of switching the the direction it's  going so we can go ctrl T which is short  for transform the shortcut and we can go  to height and just add a little minus  symbol or Nova that makes it upside-down  let's let's do it on the with actually  so let's go minus a hundred percent it's  it's still maintaining the same  dimensions however it's negative on the  width making it on the going to other  direction so we can also do that by  clicking and dragging  like that but the easiest way to  maintain the proportions is to just do  it like that so once we choose a spot  where we want that Maclaren we can press  ok or we can even do the rotation like I  showed you guys earlier and that looks  pretty cool just to little McLaren's  facing each other off so what are we  gonna do now we can do some effects  let's say like a drop shadow and that  looks alright let's make it a little  bigger we can do outer glow that looks  cool and then we can increase the size  as yes and see that looks pretty cool so  yeah I just showed you guys everything  else that you know it's quite  straightforward for the effect but now  we're actually gonna do is to actually  make a adjustment layer and basically  we're gonna mess around with the color  correction the exposure everything to  make this image look as nice as possible  so the way we're gonna do this is we're  gonna go to layer and then new or sorry  no we're gonna go to layer new  adjustment layer and then the first  thing we're going to do is to add a  brightness / contrast layer so we're  just gonna click OK you can name that  whatever you want you can even color  code it just like I showed you guys  earlier too for it you know for a better  organization but we're just gonna leave  that alone for now  so as you guys can see this is the first  adjustment layer now adjustment layers  basically are just like editing layers  they're not visible they're not  necessarily like solid items but or  objects in the scene or in the and you  know in the project and the oh and all  the elements but they're basically just  to just the the visual aspect of this  project so we're gonna go to contrast  we're actually gonna increase the  contrast as you guess and see if we  decrease the contrast it it looks a lot  more like washed up or if we increase it  it looks a lot more like like vivid so  we're gonna make it let's say  looks  good  yeah that looks pretty good and  then we can increase the brightness a  little decrease it that looks pretty  nice if we decrease the brightness a bit  there too much brightness doesn't look  very good in my opinion  let's go actually - I thought I'd  actually go more brightness but a little  lower brightness looks a lot better so  now that looks that's how it looked  before the first adjustment layer and  then after that's how it looks so it you  know but as you guys can see it already  looks pretty cool just like that so  we're gonna add another adjustment layer  by going layer new adjustment layer and  then we're gonna go to levels now we're  just click OK just like everything else  and then levels we can there's a lot of  presets so you can mess with that  yourself here but we're gonna actually  select their preset on the level so you  can click darker whoo that looks really  cool and then there's increased contrast  and you know so this is basically like a  easy way to make your project look a  certain way so let's just me let's just  select let's see and let's see increased  contrast that's a little too much  contrast one darker that's a little too  dark mid-tones brighter mid-tones darker  I think that looks pretty damn cool and  now since it's quite dark we can  actually go back to this and double  click on that icon and increase the  brightness a bit because it is quite  dark all right that looks pretty cool  now so next thing we're gonna add is  actually a let's see a layer and the new  adjustment layer we can add a let's see  exposure and then once we add exposure  you can mess around with that we're  actually gonna decrease the exposure a  bit and then the offset you can mess  around with that and then we're actually  gonna increase that a bit just to bring  out the color that dark color is a bit  and then the gamma correction you can  mess around with that as well  that is starting to look really cool so  that is how the project are like it's  initially looked and then after all  these correct correction layers this is  how it's looking right now so let's add  one more just for the sake of you know  showing you guys how all this works it's  all the same you know it's all the same  concept you just have to tweak it and  then play with all these settings  everything just to get the perf  look of the project that he want so  let's go to layer new adjustment layer  and then let's add a let's see color  lookup now color lookups are are  basically like a correction color layer  and and these are quite tricky to work  with because you can you can you can  basically load up files that are called  LUT files and I might actually do that  later in like different tutorials and  show you guys how to make those LUT  different color um color correction  files so for now we're gonna go with  something that is default that it looks  pretty cool so we're gonna go in let's  see turquoise sepia but as you guys can  see these are basically like filters um  that make your project look a certain  way let's see that looks cool so if  we're happy with that we can just leave  that on yeah so that's basically like  the UM you know all the adjustment  layers  alright so let's say it wanted to add  some text now to this project it's  actually really straightforward in  Photoshop there's this icon with a T on  it one of the tools and that actually  allows us to add text so let's actually  select that and then anywhere on the  project that we want to act actually I  add the text box or the text itself we  can just click so let's say what we  wanted to add a title here at the top so  we can just click there and type  something so I'm just gonna say example  since this is a tutorial so as you can  see we just typed a text there but um  it's not visible because it's like half  cut off because you know it's not  positioned correctly so if we just move  like anywhere out of the actual text box  itself we can still see the the move  position before we click the check mark  for the transform tool so there as you  can as you can see it says example but  it actually is quite big this text so  let's make it a bit smaller let's go to  let's say you can change the the the  font and everything from here let's say  we wanted to change the font so it's  about some  select something else and that one  that's not a really nice font there we  go that's a pretty good font and then um  we also need to tone down the the actual  the the font size so here we there's  like a drop-down menu that only goes to   point but that's obviously way too  small so we can input our own number  here to make the text a lot bigger so  let's say I'm  yeah that's good so  that's our example text as you can see  there so that looks pretty cool and then  we can also mess around with some of the  settings for the actual text itself like  effects so we can go to FX and then  blending options and then from here we  can go to let's say overlay blend mode  and then blend mode is basically what it  does it's like there's different blend  modes that do different things like  difference is basically like it it does  opposite colors and then you can do  exclusion which is essentially does the  same thing darken that that it doesn't  really work there but you you can  basically just mess around with that and  different different settings different  backgrounds there's different effects  that work better than others so for this  one we're actually gonna go difference  that actually looks really cool and then  if we just move around you guys can see  it kinda does like an x-ray sort of  filter on the background itself on what  it's um you know on what it's on so that  looks really cool you can still see the  clouds and everything in the actual  background it's basically just the like  polar opposite of what the colors are so  yeah that's it's really simple to add  text and photoshop you can also do other  effects like drop shadow or everything  else that we learned in the effects  panel okay so now let's say I wanted to  erase a part of the McLaren so we can  actually use the eraser tool which is  also very straightforward to use so  there's this little tool like this  little eraser icon that we can select  here once we selected that we're gonna  go up to here and actually select the  size so let's go a hundred around
pixels and then we're gonna actually  decrease if you have a hardness on like   percent by default just decrease it  down to let's say we're just gonna go to  % for now actually and then I'll show  you guys the different  when you actually increased the hardness  of the eraser so now we're gonna select  the the duplicated Maclaren layer and  then we're gonna start erasing so as you  guys can see you can erase parts of the  of this layer using this simple eraser  tool and now let's say we go step  backward and then we go to the hardness  and we increase it's a hundred percent  just to show you guys the complete  opposite so let's select the Maclaren  layer again and then we can actually  just erase it directly and as you guys  can see it's a lot different it's a lot  like crisper and then I can show you  guys a side-by-side by decreasing the  hardness and then going back and as you  guys can see here it's a lot softer like  the way it's it erases them they're just  crisp it's a crisp line so that's  essentially the difference between you  know and then you can also select a  different like brushes for the eraser so  that's like sort of like a a nice little  um a pen sort of brush or like a a paint  brush sort of not a pen a paint brush  sort of style to the eraser so you can  do lots of cool Styles with that  actually but um let's for now let's just  go control Z first step backward step  backward and just go back to where it  was so um yeah that's basically the  eraser tool and I wanted to show you  guys one more thing before I end this  first essentials sort of like basics  tutorial is I'm gonna show you guys the  pen tool now the pen tool is something  that is sort of like how you make logos  how you make like objects how you make  the shapes and stuff on in in Photoshop  and this is a very essential tool that  you must learn so let's go let's make  another new project a blank project so  let's go  by  or we can actually  just go back to this one I actually  forget that so let's just delete that  and then we have a back the white  background here oh we don't really have  to delete it we can just click on the  visibility icon and just hide it so  let's make a shape so let's say we want  it to make a a a letter Z so  we can start by selecting a point here  and then let's say we wanted to make a  another point here so letters that look  something like that right but that  that's not necessarily straight so we go  controller fault see for step backward  and then we can we can keep this Anchor  Point here however when we select the  second point we can hold shift down  which basically makes it straight see as  you guys can see this a perfect straight  line now to do diagonally we can also do  this shift tool you use the shift tool  then if you want to move this we can  select control and then shift or it  sorry not shift just control and then  and then now once you've dragged it to  where you want we can click shift and as  you guys can see there it's straight so  let's put it right there that looks good  and then we can also select the third  point by clicking shift and right there  so now we're gonna actually make it like  three-dimensional and there we go  you can press control to edit that one  point and then let's bring it up to here  click shift to make it straight and then  add another point by clicking shift and  make it straight of force and then  finishing this object once you once  you're finished and then you want to  like close the object you guys can see  that little circle icon bus besides lay  beside like the pen tool and then once  you click that it basically makes it a  shape and then you know we can  right-click create a let's let's define  a custom shape actually and let's name  it Z so and then we can click enter and  so let's actually go to this rectangle  icon and then select custom shape tool  and then from here there's a little  drop-down menu we can select all the  custom shapes that we have and the most  recent ones are on the bottom so your  icon that you probably just made is on  the bottom and we can click anywhere on  the screen and then have this is like  the default width and height I guess so  make sure you're always on preserve  proportions if you want to look exactly  how you made it  and then you  you can adjust the height and width but  I'm just gonna leave it like that for  now  so this is the shape that we have and as  you guys can see you can't really see it  it's probably because it's white so  we're gonna go to the effects and then  we're gonna go to color overlay and then  yeah we can change the color to whatever  you want let's just make it black I  guess cuz you know it's white in the  background it's easy to see and then we  can we can do everything else like that  I taught you guys like outer glow let's  make it  I don't know red and size spread let's  actually just make the background  transparent so yeah as you guys can see  there that's the outer glow right there  so yeah that's that's basically all I  wanted to show you guys in this  essentials tutorial I feel as though it  covered everything that is that is very  essential to learn when you first start  using Photoshop from the interface to  the you know the essential tools that  you must learn and from there it's not  very hard like everything else is really  straightforward just like this it's  basically just more detailed has more  features you know there's more features  to cover for sure and that's definitely  why I want to continue this series and  yeah that's gonna be it for this video I  hope you guys enjoyed this essentials  tutorial for Photoshop and yeah I'll  definitely be continuing this and stay  tuned and I figure if you're new around  here make sure you subscribe and because  I will definitely be doing them of  course a lot more tutorials get notified  when I do upload and yeah if you guys  enjoy this I'd love to hear you guys  have feedback what you guys would like  to see in the next tutorial and yeah  that's gonna be it for this video I hope  you guys enjoyed it as I said this has  been mr. Nimoy and I will see you guys  in the next one 
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