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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

How to shoot the camera in night ?

how it was  before we did anything any of the edits  or another way you guys can do that  let's say you you scaled it you did a  bunch of stuff to the object but you  didn't you want to just revert it to how  it was before um before you went to  touch control T you guys can just click  this sort of like undo icon I guess and  as you guys can see it kind of revert  sit to what we did before the transform  options so now what we're actually going  to do is yeah as you guys can see you  guys can scale it visually as I said or  you can actually do it here so let's say  we want it twice as big as it is now so  we can go % by % so it's basically  two times bigger than it was and then  once we are happy with what we do the  edits we did we can just click this  check arrow and then there are the check  icon and then basically we've just  applied all the changes we did to this  object all right so now we're gonna  actually now that's basically like the  very basics of the interface  and now we're actually gonna add some  effects to this box like a drop shadow  maybe an outer glow or something like  that and this is actually very simple to  do so we're just gonna navigate down to  oh yeah make sure you're selected on the  certain layer so if we selected on this  it kind of shows like these little  square icons where you can obviously do  the changes and then you can do all the  stuff that we learned so I'm just gonna  revert back to how it was but make sure  you're selected on the rectangle on top  and this is all very important to  actually know like the it's kind of like  a hierarchy so it let's say we wanted to  have this background on top of this  where we wouldn't be able to see this  we'd basically just have to drag that on  top so any any layer that is on top is  is shown on top of it so it's basically  like a layering system it's very  straightforward  so yeah always make sure that the  smaller layers this backgrounds are  always on the bottom of everything but  that's basically the way you want to  think about it so yeah make sure this  layer is on top of the background and  then let's say we want to add like I  said effects so we click on the  rectangle and go down to this effect  icon click on that and then go blending  options so now this is where we have a  bunch of options where we can mess  around with so the first thing I'd like  to do is to drop shadow so have a little  shadow on behind this box so we go down  to this option and click on drop shadow  so as you guys can see um we have a  little shadow behind this box but we can  make it more dress like make it bigger  so we can increase we can like make it  bigger by increasing the size and then  the spread the spread essentially makes  it more like condensed I want to say but  I'm not sure if that's the right word to  use but um so basically yeah we can  increase it using the spread and size  size just makes make it makes the shadow  spread a bit more so let's make this  size a bit smaller so as you guys can  see we have a little shadow behind and  that looks pretty nice and what else can  we do um for the effects we can add a  stroke and the stroke is basically like  a little outline that goes around any  jects so the stroke we can change the  color let's make it red for example and  then we can press ok and we can also  increase the size of the stroke by going  by clicking dragging or so like in  putting your own number so let's say we  want it  pixels and as you guys can  see that's the  pixel stroke that we  have around this rectangle now and what  else can we do we can do a bevel and  emboss as you guys can see it adds like  a little nice d sort of embossed bevel  sort of effect and we can increase the  depth and by doing so it gives that  illusion even more and then we can  obviously increase the size and that and  that doesn't look very good let's make  it yeah that looks good alright umm what  else can we do we can also add a pattern  overlay and then you can mess with this  add your own patterns and stuff but  these are the default patterns that come  with Photoshop so this is a nice little  texture sort of thing that's that's a  cool texture but we can't really see it  since the background is like white so  yeah  those are basically like textures you  can add so we're not gonna really add  anything for now I'm just gonna keep it  like that or actually let's just add bat  texture like that looks pretty cool and  what else can we do we can do an outer  glow so outer glow is basically let's  add a different let's make it red so  it'll go nicely with the D border so or  the stroke so the outer glow is  essentially just just like a drop shadow  sort of thing it it's very similar to  the shadow but it's it basically is just  like a little glow of a certain color  that you can choose that basically  outlines around the object you can also  do inner glow that that basically does  the same effect but towards the inside  of the object and instead of it having  it on the outside of it so we can also  do color overlay this is where we can if  it's not a shape and we can't edit the  fill we can actually do it here manually  so we can go to color overlay and and  then we can change the color do it to  whatever color we want choose whatever  color we want and yeah we're not gonna  do that now so we're gonna just uncheck  that satin basically just makes it a  little darker  but that can be cool effect and also yes  inner glow inner shadow the shadow is  based inner shadows basically like a  drop shadow but it makes it like in the  inside of it  same as inner glow in comparison to  outer glow so the same sort of idea and  a gradient overlay this is a this is a  cool feature that we can take a look at  so gradient overlays essentially it kind  of mixes colors into instead of having  one solid color so as you guys can see  this is a mixture of like a black sand  gray /white ish color and there's a  couple presets which we can choose is  like a rainbow and this there's like  striped black there's like there's cool  colors so these are only the presets but  you guys can edit them so let's say we  wanted that and then we can edit it so  we can change the colors here so we can  actually select that and then we can  select different colors so let's say we  want in the middle color like green we  can have it red and yeah so you can edit  it to whatever you basically want so  there um let's say we're happy with that  and then that's the gradient overlay so  it's basically like a mixture of colors  that's a best way to think about it I  guess so um yeah let's just keep it with  that texture and so yeah those are  basically like the effects the central  effects they're so easy to you know to  use and it's very simple and to add  everything and drop shadow all the  strokes everything um they're very  simple yet they're used in like you know  and in quite complex graphics I always  use them these are very basic and they  work really well so they're awesome  so now we're actually gonna import  eight an image from the internet that I  downloaded and edit that so the way  we're gonna do this is actually gonna go  to file and then we're gonna go to place  so there's two ways we can do this we  can go to file place and then find the  image that we downloaded so we're this  is an image of the McLaren p or let's  say we undid that and then we can go to  file open and then we can open that and  then that actually opens it to the exact  dimensions of the image itself and  that's the way best way to do it if you  want to edit a certain image  instead of doing it instead of placing  it inside a project but let's say you  have a project where you want to mix  pictures in and add different pictures  you can go to file place and then find  the image and then put it in but um yeah  so we're gonna basically do some edits  to this to this image so the first thing  we're gonna do is actually duplicate  this McLaren p so we're gonna go to  this tool right here which is called the  lasso tool and as you guys can see down  here we have a little um this thing that  says % is basically the how much it's  zoomed to the original size so let's go  a hundred percent so that just this just  means that we are looking at the exact  resolution of this image and the reason  why we go % when editing the full  project is that is so we can see the  full project because if you go over %  we'd have to scroll around to be able to  see everything but for this for the  lasso tool it's very important to see  every little detail so we're gonna go  % and if you guys have a smaller  image that you want to edit then you'd  want you you'd want to go even bigger  but essentially for this we're just  gonna go % and once we were zoomed in  we're just gonna have a nice shot of the  McLaren so basically just zoom in to a  point where the biggest part of the  image is the the focus where you want to  duplicate so now we're just gonna  outline this this McLaren p having  selected this lasso tool so we're gonna  outline it starting from here and we're  gonna do a bit of a sloppy job here it's  not very important to be very precise  but all you got to do is just click and  drag with your left left mouse button  tool and just select all the outer part  of the image that you so yeah I'll leave  this image in the description down below  that you guys can edit the same exact  thing that I'm doing but if you guys  wanted to do a different image just find  one on the Internet anything really uh  it doesn't really have to be carved but  for this tutorial is simple on a car  this this image is actually very good  for like the duplicating and everything  and that we're going to do so I'm just  selecting it with this lasso tool  doesn't really have to be very precise  if I was gonna do this very precise auto likes auto like

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